
What is leadership coaching?

The primary concern of leadership coaching is to enable you to step into your leadership founded on your purpose and aligned with the purpose of your organisation and team.  Alignment with your values is crucial too, as your integrity ensures that you bring others along with you, whatever your leadership role or style.

I have successfully coached leaders who are CEOs or aspiring to that role, leaders running their own businesses, senior management team members and clients in governance roles as trustees and school governors.

Some coaches find their clients through their networks. Others via social media, at conferences, by word of mouth. I met Grace through a conversation on a train heading west out of Paddington. I was reading a book on coaching. She headed up a young legal team in a charity with had been introduced her to coaching. We got chatting and by the time our journey ended we had a date to meet and explore working together.

That was seven years ago and she’s now a founder CEO of a national charity providing legal services for people in the care sector – vital work. With the organisation growing from being a ‘start up’ into one which is growing rapidly, Grace knows that her CEO style needs to change, and she’s called on to get alongside her once more.

After the initial coaching Grace wrote to me,

I wanted to thank you again for giving me the space and time to develop my direction and my goals, and for helping me to find my courage and self-belief! You did a wonderful job – I think you are a very talented practitioner. I am extremely happy and grateful.   

It has been a privilege to be her coach.